Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wal Mart or the Taker of Life?

Many of the foods you buy in an average trip to a wal mart (assuming this is where you shop for the sake of this blog post) are not considered "unhealthy" in fact a lot of the products that contain the toxic ingredients our own government makes it a point to have these chemicals added, aspartame for instance is a chemical found in your chewing gum and other sweet snacks and an assortment of other foods has been concluded in studies to cause mouthfuls of cancerous tumors and in some cases death. What is aspartame?,  it is the fecal matter of ekolai a known harmful GM bacteria More prevalent to the late 2000's studies have been done on the effects of aspartame on the unborn showing that women who partake in drinks including coke zero with this chemical have increased amount of miscarriages and a lower birth rate. Most of this was created by the FDA by design, Look at all the drugs that they approve knowingly approving poisonous and deadly medicines to the American people that cause cancer and heart failure, sodium fluoride is one of the most deadly of all of these. This was used as a death agent in concentration camps as a forced medicine to thin the population, admittedly sodium fluoride per 1000th of a part is causing bone cancer and infertility, this is found in bottle water, baby water, and thousands of other products.

Now an even scarier thought is that our scientist are messing with the genetic makeup of not only our meat and poultry but are not cloning insects, now wont this screw the entire natural selection process and pave way for some wave of super virus that would wipe out a species? Genetic vandalism, now does everyone understand why they have made the large seed vaults?

Targeted by design you are a part of this even if you feel the world is over populated, only a united front will stop this death engine.


  1. Great blog! You were right!

  2. surprising but in no means is it shocking. and ketomaster is right, where's the proof of this though? As much as I hate big corps like Walmart, this kinda seems unfounded

  3. Natural Selection is not supposed to be toyed with. This world is lost.

  4. This is why I try to buy Organic, I don't support genetically engineered meat and fruits/vegetables. And yeah Aspartame is a bad one, I never let my parents buy diet because of that crap.

  5. Kinda freaky when you think what could happen with all this....

    and captchas or however they are spelled

  6. what is the ultimate goal of all this stuff? it baffles me
