Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger going down

I lost my most recent post due to this server down time. I was without PS network and blogger aha I had little to do with myself on a day off, other than look into business opportunities. I was thinking about taking my graphic design to the market with screen printing T-Shirt designs, could very well be a good thing. I've had positive reviews on community sites such as deviant art and tumblr. 

Recent PS snip
Things of this nature will be getting printed, I'll be doing V-neck for females and males and of course all regular T-Shirts. Once I reach enough followers and enough people become interested I'll be giving away a free shirt a week, now I mean completely free to only my blog followers.

Also if there are any pro screen printers please enlighten me with some information!



  1. Yeah the servers going down was a real annoyance. Oh and I love V necks haha, I'm down to buy some!

  2. The servers going down was so annoying. Great post though

  3. I guess i got lucky i didn't lose anything. That shirt does sound good to me

  4. I took forever ... im glad it's back following u!!

  5. Sounds like a pretty cool idea, good luck with it! I'll be around to see how it goes.

  6. Go for it! Brand recognition is 100%

    Oh and man, I really hate using the FYm38F bullshit.

  7. same here but it's ok now!


  8. I'd totally buy a shirt if you made them.
